The Easter colouring competition.

Free Easter Colouring Competition


28 Mar 2021


All Day

One of our Easter School Holiday Activities will be our Easter Holiday Colouring Competition! We will be posting the colouring onto our website and on the event page on March 28th and you will have until 11th April to drop it in at our community centre or email it back to us! Make sure to write your name, age, parents name & contact number of the back.

The competition is open to those aged up to 12 years old. We will also be giving out printed versions of the colouring at our FREE Easter craft giveaway on April 2nd – check out that event for details. The winner will be announced on April 12th and will receive an Easter themed chocolate/sweet basket from Sweet Imagination in Thatcham.

Where to return your completed colourings:Email to –
Post or hand deliver to – Moorside Community Centre, Urquhart Road, Thatcham, RG19 4RE

Any questions, just send us let us know!