Rainbows are the youngest section in Girlguiding. They wear an exciting red uniform and follow a programme of activities that helps them to learn and grow while having fun. There are six themes so that every week is different. Typical activities include craft, food, games, walks, singing, science, sport, community action, dance, animals, drama, art etc. The girls gain badges which they wear with pride and help them towards the Bronze, Silver or Gold Rainbow award.
5th Kennet Vale Rainbows usually have 16 girls, one or two teenage helpers and four adult leaders.
In pre-covid times we would expect to have a trip or event at a weekend, at least once every term and an annual sleepover.
In the term following their 7th birthday, Rainbows move on to a Brownie Unit.
5th Kennet Vale Rainbows is part of Girlguiding Kennet Vale. This is based on Thatcham and there are 5 Rainbow Units, 7 Brownie units, 4 Guide Units and a Ranger unit. Information on all of these may be found be registering to join. A local volunteer will respond to your enquiry within 21 days.

Girlguiding is a national organisation with members in every part of the United Kingdom. It provides high quality training and support for leaders. All members pay an annual subscription to fund the organisation. Currently this is £40.
There are also costs for the Unit. This includes the rent and the badges and resource materials needed for the sessions. 5th Kennet Vale collect a termly subscription of £35 and pay for everything, including the annual subscription from Headquarters, from this fee. Leaders are all volunteers and so there is no burden on members for their services.
All girls are welcome to join and there are exciting volunteering roles for male or female adults. Register an interest on the website and your enquiry will come straight through to a local volunteer who can arrange for you to visit some Units and find out more before committing to joining.
To join in head over to the website – https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/ Scroll down the page and either click on ‘register to join’ for a girl or ‘volunteer with Girlguiding’ for an adult.